Dennis Marshall

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A product of the LeFevre Peninsula (Largs Bay) for the early years of my life, I devoted myself to sport, knocking about with friends and doing enough school work to get by without over-extending myself.  Memories of my early years were associated with art and crafty activities in and out of school. I remember winning a junior section of the Advertiser Sandcastle competition. In high school art classes I clearly wasn’t an attentive student as I have no recollection of actually being taught anything much at all. 

In later years, as a PE, humanities and counselling teacher I realised that I favoured visual learning and eventually used that preference in translating and transferring what I saw of the built environment around me onto paper as crude pen and watercolour paintings. Being self-taught I have developed my skills in that same area and honed-in on trying to capture images that are mostly the aged character-filled buildings of our settlement history, especially trying to preserve reminders of these structures for the future. In doing so I have stumbled upon the role of visual historian. I find that so many people have stories and links with my subjects and love the re-connection it kindles.

In 2022 I was admitted as a member of this group where I hope to learn so much more and further develop my capabilities as an emerging artist, especially using the unique Flinders Ranges as my preferred major reference location. 

I currently get to enjoy life in Encounter Bay, SA, as a happily retired person where I have fun running a fortnightly market stall featuring mostly reproductions of my work. Affordable art works well in this context and I really enjoy the challenge of marketing and reaching an appreciative audience.

Enjoy and admire the talents of this group of artists as they showcase the awesome Flinders Ranges.

Need some artworks here